=== Post Types Order ===
Contributors: nsp-code, tdgu
Donate link: http://www.nsp-code.com/donate.php
Tags: post order, posts order, post sort, posts sort, post types order
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 6.6.2
Stable tag: 2.3.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: GPLv2 or later
Sort posts and custom post type objects using a drag-and-drop, sortable JavaScript AJAX interface, or through the default WordPress dashboard
== Description ==
Over 12 MILLIONS DOWNLOADS and near PERFECT rating out of 200 REVIEWS.
A powerful plugin, Order Posts and Post Types Objects using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.
The order of posts can be customized directly on the default WordPress post type archive list page or through a dedicated Re-Order interface, which displays all available items.
This feature allows you to easily reorder posts for any custom post types you've defined, including the default Posts. Managing post order has never been simpler.
= Usage =
This plugin was designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that anyone can easily use its sorting feature, regardless of their WordPress experience:
* Install the plugin via the "Install Plugins" interface or by uploading the post-types-order folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
* Activate the Post Types Order plugin.
* A new settings page will be added under Settings > Post Types Order. Visit this page and save the options for the first time.
* With the AutoSort option enabled, no code changes are needed, the plugin will automatically apply the customized post order.
* Use the Re-Order interface, available for every non-hierarchical custom post type, to change the post order as needed.
* For sorting posts via code, include 'orderby' => 'menu_order' within the custom query arguments. For more details, visit this guide [Sample Usage](http://www.nsp-code.com/sample-code-on-how-to-apply-the-sort-for-post-types-order-plugin/)
= Example of Usage =
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-so4UH-n6M]
As you can see, reordering posts is as simple as dragging and dropping, with the changes instantly reflected on the front end.
If the post order doesn’t update on your site, it could be due to one of two reasons: either there was a mistake during setup, or your theme/plugin is using a custom query that doesn't follow WordPress Codex standards. But don’t worry—we’re here to help! You can report the issue in the forum, where many users are happy to assist, or you can contact us directly.
If you encounter any problems with the plugin, feel free to reach out via the forum or contact us directly through our [support page](http://www.nsp-code.com), and we’ll take a look.
= Need advanced features ? =
For advanced features and functionality, check out the extended version of this plugin at [Advanced Post Types Order](http://www.nsp-code.com/premium-plugins/wordpress-plugins/advanced-post-types-order/)
* Hierarchically post types order
* Manual Drag & Drop / Automatic Sorting
* Specify exact area where to apply through conditionals
* Advanced query interface filtering and complex sorts including multiple post types and taxonomies
* Posts Order by Custom Taxonomies
* Enhanced Interface, List / Grid View
* Allow Interface Filters (Categories, Dates, Search etc)
* Post Types Thumbnails
* Advanced query usage
* MultiSite Network Support, WPML, Polylang, WooCommerce, WP E-Commerce, Platform Pro, Genesis etc
* WPML 100% compatibility with sort synchronization across languages
* Mobile Touch Drag & Drop Ready
* Sort interfaces through admin and front end
* Pagination for sort lists
* Free Updates
* Free Support
This plugin is developed by Nsp-Code
== Installation ==
1. Upload `post-types-order` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin from Admin > Plugins menu.
3. Once activated you should check with Settings > Post Types Order
4. Use Re-Order link which appear into each post type section or use default WordPress interface to make your sorting.
== Screenshots ==
1. The ReOrder interface through which the sort can be created.
2. Sort can be managed within default WordPress post type interface.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Feel free to contact us at electronice_delphi@yahoo.com.
= Since I have no PHP knowledge at all, is this plugin for me? =
Absolutely! You don't need any PHP knowledge to use this plugin.
Unlike many other plugins, you won't have to make any code changes for your custom post order to apply. There’s an option to automatically update WordPress queries so posts are displayed in your custom order. If you prefer to handle this manually, you can disable the **AutoSort** option.
= How to manually apply the sort in queries =
Simply include `'orderby' => 'menu_order'` in your custom query arguments.
= What types of posts/pages can I sort with this plugin? =
You can sort **all** post types you’ve defined in WordPress, as long as they are not hierarchical. This includes default post types like Posts, as well as custom types like Movies, Reviews, Data, etc.
= How does the post order apply in the admin interface? =
There’s an option to display the custom post order, as defined in the sort list, directly within the main admin post list interface.
= I have a feature request. Can it be implemented? =
All ideas are welcome! I add them to my list for future versions. However, this may take some time. If you're in a hurry, consider making a small donation, and I can prioritize the feature for you.
= Can I exclude certain queries from the custom sort when AutoSort is enabled? =
Yes, you can! To exclude certain queries, include the `ignore_custom_sort` argument in your custom query. An example is available at [Sample Usage](http://www.nsp-code.com/sample-code-on-how-to-apply-the-sort-for-post-types-order-plugin/)
= How can I force custom sorting for specific queries when AutoSort is enabled? =
You can use the `pto/posts_orderby` filter to force the sort. An example is provided at [Sample Usage](http://www.nsp-code.com/sample-code-on-how-to-apply-the-sort-for-post-types-order-plugin/)
= I need additional features like front-end sorting, shortcodes, filters, conditionals, advanced queries, or taxonomy/category sorting =
Consider upgrading to our advanced version of this plugin, which offers these features at a very reasonable price [Advanced Post Types Order](http://www.nsp-code.com/premium-plugins/wordpress-plugins/advanced-post-types-order/)
== Changelog ==
= 2.3.2 =
- Fix: Change the CPT_VERSION constant to avoid conflict with CPT UI plugin.
= 2.3.1 =
- Improve the descriptions in the readme.txt file for better clarity and user understanding.
- Add a version number to the CSS file to ensure that browsers load the latest version correctly and avoid caching issues.
= 2.3 =
- Enhanced re-order interface to better align with the default WordPress styling.
- Added additional object actions (e.g., Edit, View) directly within each item row. New setting to control the visibility of actions.
- Introduced new filters for extending the re-order table: pto/interface/table/thead, pto/interface/table/tfoot, and pto/interface/table/tbody.
- Completed compatibility check and tagged update for WordPress 6.6.2.
= 2.2.6 =
- Remove boolval on the filter 'pto/posts_orderby' to avoid returning wrong FALSE.
- FlyingPress cache lear method update.
= 2.2.4 =
- Add code comments hints for easier understanding and follow.
- Use strval when comparing strings using ===
- Use additional sanitize_text_field and isset checks to avoid PHP notices.
- Use === "strict equality" comparison operator instead simple
- Include the check for JetPack mobile, if plugin is active.
- Check if there is a post_status filter and if set to 'all' to continue scripts enqueue.
- New filter pto/interface/query/args to allow adjustments for the re-order interface query arguments.
- WordPress 6.6.1 compatibility check and tag update.
= 2.2.3 =
- When order update, attempt to clear the site / server caches.
- Set Yes as default for the option to Enable sortable drag-and-drop functionality within the default WordPress post type archive.
- WordPress 6.5.3 compatibility tag.
= 2.2.1 =
- Options interface layout updates.
- Code cleanup
- Remove unused svg icon file.
= 2.2 =
- Formidable style fix when Autosort is active.
- Plugin headers format update.
- WordPress 6.5 compatibility check and tag update ( RC1 )
= 2.1.8 =
- Fix: Media/images order, retrieve the items per page from user upload_per_page
= 2.1.4 =
- PHP Deprecated fix: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated
- WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility check and tag update
= 2.1.2 =
- PHP 8.2.4 check for compatibility
- WordPress 6.4.2 compatibility check and tag update
= 2.1 =
- Trigger wp_cache_flush when saving the order to clear the internal caches
- WordPress 6.3 compatibility check and tag
- Compatibility update for lite speed cache
= 2.0.9 =
- Fix: is_plugin_active
= 2.0.7 =
- Compatibility class re-build
- Fix: Enfold templates when using Admin Sort
= 2.0.5 =
- Merge the "default archive&drop" option and keep the individual menu Yes/No for the default WordPress interfaces, to avoid confusion.
= 2.0.2 =
- The Archive drag & drop is disabled by default
- Small layout changes
- WordPress 6.2 compatibility tag
= 2.0 =
- Update cmoposer.json to use the wpackagist.org
- New option to select the drag & drop available for post types.
- The drag & drop within the default WordPress interfaces can be done now through the new icon, under the checkbox, for each item.
- Check if ajax call to avoid applying the order when autosort is disabled.
- Update plugin header image
= =
- WordPress 6.1.1 compatibility tag
= =
- WordPress 6.0 compatibility tag
= 1.9.9 =
- Fix layout change when sorting by drag&drop within default WordPress interface.
- Add placeholder row size by setting a tr colspan of the dragable element.
= 1.9.8 =
- Readme file updates, typos fixes.
- WordPress 5.9 compatibility tag
= 1.9.7 =
- Remove Twitter button
- Remove unused gif image
- HTPML and CSS cleanup
= =
- Code cleanup
- WordPress 5.8.1 compatibility tag
= =
- Fix PHP implode() notice
= =
- Fix PHP implode() notice
= =
- Fix PHP implode() notice
- Ensure the drag & drop interface show for correct post types, non hierarchically to ensure correct functionality
- WordPress 5.6 compatibility tag
= =
- Clean post cache on order update to allow menu_order to change on cached data
- WordPress 5.5 compatibility tag
= =
- Fix: Outputs the admin save notice through admin_notices filter
= 1.9.5 =
- Fix: disable drag & drop within taxonomies interfaces; fix WooCommerce attributes sort issue
- Reorder interface slight styles improvements
- Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.4.2
= =
- Option text translation update
- Changed the posts class to to wp-list-table when applying sortable for better compatibility
- Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.4
= =
- Compatibility tag update for WordPress 5.3
= =
- Ignore the Events Calendar posts
- Filter typo fix
= =
- Ignore sorting when doing Search and there's a search key-phrase specified.
- Ignore sorting when doing Search within admin dashboard
- Removed Google Social as it produced some JavaScript errors
- WordPress 4.9.7 tag update
= =
- Clear LiteSpeed Cache on order update to reflect on front side
- WordPress 4.9.1 tag update
= =
- Fix: updated capability from switch_theme to manage_options within 'Minimum Level to use this plugin' option
- Default admin capability changed from install_plugins to manage_options to prevent DISALLOW_FILE_MODS issue. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-breaks-when-disallow_file_mods-is-set-to-true/
- Prepare plugin for Composer package
= =
- Plugin option to include query argument ASC / DESC
= =
- Include ASC / DESC if there is a query order argument
- Avada fix 'product_orderby' ignore
= =
- WordPress 4.8 compatibility notice
- Slight code changes, remove unused activate / deactivate hooks
- Updated po translation file
- Updated assets
= 1.9.3 =
- Fix for custom post type objects per page when using default archive interface drag & drop sort
- Plugin code redo and re-structure
- Improved compatibility with other plugins
- Security improvements for AJAX order updates
= 1.9 =
- Remove translations from the package
- Remove link for donate
- Wp Hide plugin availability notification
- New Filter pto/get_options to allow to change default options; Custom capability can be set for 'capability'
- New Filter pto/admin/plugin_options/capability to allow custom capability option to be inserted within html
== Upgrade Notice ==
Make sure you get the latest version.
== Localization ==
Would you like to contribute a translation in your language? Please check at https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/post-types-order
List Of Ramya Behara Tollywood Best Songs – Telugu Songs
Ramya Behara is an Indian playback singer who works predominantly in Telugu films. She went to Little Music Academy and trained under Ramachary. Behara’s first song has recorded for a Telugu film Vengamamba. She had introduced to films by M. M. Keeravani. Here you can find the list of Ramya Behara best songs in Tollywood film indursty.
Nuvve Nuvve
Nuvve Nuvve Song with romantic Telugu lyrics from Red movie had a duet song sung by Ramya Behara and Anurag Kulkarni. Red movie is 2020 film, Nuvve song lyrics featuring Ram Pothineni with Malvika Sharma. Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry is the songwriter who delivered the joyful stanza, as Mani Sharma has composed the lively music for it.
Korameesam Polisoda
Korameesam Polisoda song has a romantic melody with meaningful lyrics penned by Ramajogayya Sastry. The song has sung by Ramya Behara and she does a superb job. Shruti Haasan can seen teasing her husband Ravi Teja in his khaki dress. Korameesam Polisoda song has best in far released by the makers. Ramjogayya Sastry inked-down the verses, S. Thaman composed Telugu music for Korameesam Polisoda‘s lyrics.
Oorikokka Raaja
Oorikokka Raaja, a scintillating party number, is all set to drive us crazy. Watch the duo Sayyeshaa Saigal and Puneeth Rajkumar burn up the dance floor. Oorikokka Raaja song lyrics in telugu from Yuvarathnaa movie. This song lyrics written by Kalyan Chakravarthy. Music was given by the Thaman and this song has sung by the singer Dinker, Ramya Behara. Puneeth Rajkumar, Sayesha Saigal Plays lead roles in this film. Yuvarathnaa movie directed by Santhosh Ananddram and produced by Vijay Kiragandur.
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Kalavathi Kalavathi
Kalavathi Kalavathi Song has from Palasa 1978 which is a 2020 Indian Telugu-language period action film written and directed by Karuna Kumar. The movie actors are Rakshith, Nakshatra, and Raghu Kunche. THe music composed the Thiruveer playing a key supporting role. Kalavathi Kalavathi Song Lyrics penned by Suddala Ashok Teja and sung by Ramya Behara and Raghu Kunche.
Ee Payanam
Ee Payanam From the Love Life and Pakodi movie. The Song has sung by Ramya Behara, Anurag Kulkarni. Ee Payanam music album has released in Oct 2020 and composed by Pavan. The song lyrics are written by Mahesh Poloju. Amplify your emotions through lyrics of the song.
Keelu Gurram Song from a Telugu movie Middle Class Melodies which has directed by Vinod Ananthoju and Anand Devarakonda, Varsha Bollamma acted in lead roles. The Keelu Gurram Song Lyrics were penned by Sanapati Bharadwaj Patrudu and it is sung by Anurag Kulkarni, Sweekar Agasthi, and Ramya Behara while the music is given by Sweekar Agasthi, Sunil Abraham, Bharat & Tony Matthew.
Ekaantham Song lyrics in Telugu from color photo movie. This song’s lyrics are written by Sai Kiran. Music given by the Kala Bhairava and this song had sung by the singer Ramya Behara. The Suhas, Chandini Chowdary plays lead roles in this movie. The Ekaantham song has published by Aditya music on the youtube channel.
Ee Vela Sandya Ragam
Ee Vela Sandya Ragam Lyrics – Oollalla Oollalla Telugu movie. The music has composed by Joy Rayarala. The film features Nataraj, Noorin Shereef, Ankeeta R Maharana. Ee Vela Sandhya Ragam song lyrics by Guru Charan, Venkat Balagoni sang by Hema Chandra, Ramya Behara get the latest Telugu song lyrics. Ee Vela Sandhya Ragam, Ee Vela Sandhya Ragam Lyrics, Ee Vela Sandhya Ragam Song Lyrics, Oollalla Oollalla/ Oollalla Oollalla Movie directed by Sathya Prakash.
Nuvvo Sagam
The song Nuvvo Sagam from the film Devarakondalo Vijay Premakatha(2021) has released on 12 Feb 2020. Nuvvo Sagam has picturized on Vijay Shankar and Mouryani. The lyrics of Nuvvo Sagam are by Bhaskar Bhatla. It has been sung by Kala Bhairava and Ramya Behara. The music has been composed by Sada Chandra.
Naa Chinni Lokkammea
Naa Chinni Lokkammea Song Lyrics from Miss India (Telugu) (2020) . The Song had sung by Aditi Bhavaraju, Ramya Behara, Sri Krishna. This song has composed by S. Thaman with lyrics penned by Neeraja Kona. Miss India (Telugu) (2020) movie stars Keerthy Suresh, Jagapathi Babu, and the songs released in 2020.
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